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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is A-NOD For Situational Awareness?A-NOD by definition is a non-verbal indication towards someone that indicates signals or conveys a message, an awareness. Situational Awareness is how one perceives their situation in sensory terms and then processes that information according to their experiences. Decisions and responses are often made in these brief moments which may or may not be the best decision at that time. Awareness is simply to be in the moment. This can be done by simply noting one's emotional, spiritual, and mental state of being, as well as their own sense of self, in their own space or within their community.
What are the values and benefits of A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD INC1. The value of A-NOD’s main products, namely the window decal and the visor sleeve, is that they convey a family's nonverbal message to trained and mindful Public Servants to notice that something else needs to be addressed due to a family member(s) being blessed with unseen greater than normal emotional, mental, and/or behavioral responses which may present themselves during traffic incidents and home issues. 2. The benefit of A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD INC for the family is that loved one(s) blessed with invisible conditions have a nonverbal resource tool that asks for respect, safety, and support for all during stressful situations. 3. The benefit of A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD INC for First Responders is that it becomes a resource that can help bring awareness and attention to someone or somewhat that may need additional considerations for all involved from point of contact, especially in the various stressful situations, which cause a decrease in Situational Awareness for all parties involved. Combining these benefits will help strengthen A-NOD’s bridges between these two communities. A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD INC continue to present their products and services to various legislative committees so that First Responders and Governmental Officials will consider the benefit of signing this program into law, allowing greater access to all interested parties.
How can I access the Situational Awareness Product?1. A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC products are available in our SHOP. 2. A-nod For Situational Awareness LLC products can be purchased at speaking engagements, medical clinics, and other therapeutic venues where the main products would be supervised and scripted by doctors, nurse practitioners and therapeutic staff.
How can I get involved and advocate, volunteer, and assist in the growth and ongoing development of A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC?"1. Members can attend Situational Awareness educational events, groups, conferences, webinars, lunch and learns, and other awareness engaging activities. 2. There are three A-NOD Groups. These three group options on based on time, gifts and talents. The first A-Nod group is for those members who are educationally learning the existence of and the language of this resource, especially if the families are new to the Situational Awareness process. The second A-NOD group is designed for those members who have experienced life concerns and issues that have shaped them into becoming advocates and/or a voice for others. This group is also made up of those in the helping professions known to assist families and loved ones who navigate the social service system. Monitors and Administrators of A-NOD will have the role which they will assist the helpers best determine how they can help their families throughout their life experiences and individual situations. The third A-NOD group is made up of members who have an invested interest in bringing their gifts, time, and talents to the business after monitoring and approval by A-Nod Administration. This group is the only group that has an annual fee, as well as has access to the website and its information and products. Groups will have time and fee requirements dependent on interest, experiences, gifts and talents. For future consideration regarding A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC, contact Founder Diane Thacker at or at 515-776-8321.
Does A-NOD accept donations and gifts?A-NOD is an organization of two business entities, A-NOD For Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD Inc. Depending on your program and product/resource awareness business inquiry need; we can accept gifts and or donations. For further clarification, contact President /Founder Diane Thacker at 515-321-8671. A-NOD appreciates your awareness advocacy and aid for our families who deal with anxiety, disabilities, and sensory health concerns. Appreciate your patience and understanding. Please mail donations and gifts (please indicate on your check which on your memo) so that the correct tax status can be assigned to: A-NOD for Situational Awareness LLC and A-NOD INC 2526 E 29th Street Des Moines, IA 50317
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